3 Low-Tech Ways To Stop Retail Theft

Shoplifting and worker theft are a $45 billion problem for retailers in the United States. In a time where retailers have to be more competitive than ever before to stay profitable, retail theft can seriously hurt their bottom line. If you are looking for ways to increase the profitability of your own retail outlet, curbing retail theft could be the answer. Here are three low-tech solutions you can employ to help stop retail theft in your store in the future.

Making Your Home Look Occupied Can Chase Away Potential Thieves

One of the best ways to deter thieves from becoming interested in your home is to make it look as if someone is home, even when no one is. Going into an empty house gives thieves a better chance of getting away with more items without worrying about a confrontation or an increased chance of getting arrested. If you are going to be away from home for an extended period of time, you should follow the advice in this article to help make it look as if someone is actually in the house.

4 Businesses At A High Risk For Break-Ins

While it may seem like banks and high-end jewelry stores are most at risk for burglaries and break-ins, this isn't always the case. Most criminals know that these types of businesses already have surveillance equipment and excellent security, so they might not bother. However, other businesses may be at a high risk. Here are four types of businesses that tend to be a high risk for break-ins. Shops Next to Low-Security Businesses

The Better Security Guards Are Trained, The Better Things Are For A Business

Any business wishing to hire security guards should look closely at the amount of training the professionals have undergone. Being a security guard is about more than just wearing a uniform. The guard helps maintain order and safety in a commercial establishment. Better training helps facilitate both of these outcomes. Demand for More Training Increases Local governments are showing a renewed interest in passing laws designed to increase training requirements for security guards.

3 Tips To Prevent Damage To Your Safe's Lock

Whether you use your safe to store documents, money, valuables or just about anything else, you probably want to ensure that your lock stays in good condition. A poor-quality lock can be difficult to lock and unlock, and it might not hold your things as securely as it should. Luckily, there are a few ways that you can prevent damage to your safe's lock. Follow these tips, and you can keep your safe's lock in the best possible condition.

Why You Should Consider A Smart Lock For Your Business

Businesses are becoming smarter, and so are the locks that protect them. These new smart locks can interface with your smartphone, allow keyless entry, keep records of who enters your business, and monitor your business from nearly anywhere in the world. Here is what you should know about smart locks and how they can greatly improve life at your business. Smart Lock Basics Smart locks are usually easy to install, but instead of utilizing a key to enter, you will instead use your smartphone or another electronic device to gain entry.